Welcome to the website of the IC of Croatia
"Hands across the net, friendship across the ocean "

Welcome to the IC of Croatia

The IC of Croatia was formed in 2019 by the founder and President, Predrag Stojcevic Pegi. The inauguration party for the IC of Croatia was held at the Queens Club on Sunday 7th July 2019. In attendance and one of the first to congratulate Croatia was Francesco Ricci Bitti, The President of Association of Summer Olympic International Federations and former President of the ITF.

All IC Council members and Chairman Peter McQuibban, together with presidents and general secretaries of more than thirty National Tennis Federations around the World came to support IC Croatia as a new member.

Watch the interview by the sport journalist Helen Scott Smith during the inauguration party at Queens Club in London on 7th July 2019

If you require further information, please contact the President and Honorary Secretary.

President: Predrag Stojcevic Pegi

Email: pegi@btinternet.com

Honorary Secretary: Silvije Hraste

Email: silvije.hraste@gmail.com

Please watch the video below which aired on Croatian National Television 1st program on 17th July 2019

IC GB Centenary 2024

Na poziv Britanskog IC Tenis , ekipa hrvatskog IC je gostovao na proslavi stotog rodjendana IC GB od 05tog do 10tog kolovoza 2024.

Organizator i slavljenik nam je priredio izuzetno lijep program, sto sportski kao i socijalni. Bila je to izuzetna prilika da se upoznamo i druzimo sa svim ostalim pozvanim ucesnicima iz 33 drzave clanice IC iz cijeloga svijeta.

Specijalan ugodjaj je bio igrati na travnatim terenima All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club (AELTC ) na Wimbledonu, na istim onim terenima na kojima se svake godine odrzava Wimbledon Championship. Za lijepu i top kvalitetnu profesionalnu opremu i dresove u kojima smo igrali nase matcheve pobrinuo se je HEAD Croatia. Koristimo ovu priliku da se zahvalimo Andreju Salzeru na njegovom trudu i zalaganju i zelji da nam pomogne. Dobili smo komplimente da smo izmedju 33 IC clanice najbolje obucena ekipa na turniru.

At the invitation of the British IC Tennis, the Croatian IC team was a guest at the celebration of the hundredth birthday of IC GB from August 5th to 10th, 2024.

The organizer and celebrant prepared an extremely nice program for us, both sporting and social. It was an exceptional opportunity to meet and socialize with all the other invited participants from 33 IC member states from all over the world.

It was a special feeling to play on the grass courts of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club (AELTC) at Wimbledon, on the same courts where the Wimbledon Championship is held every year. HEAD Croatia took care of beautiful and top quality professional equipment and jerseys in which we played our matches. We use this opportunity to thank Andrej Salzer for his effort and commitment and desire to help us. We received compliments that among the 33 IC members, we were the best-dressed team at the tournament.

View the IC GB Centenary 2024 Schedule

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